How to become a Wordpress developer in 2024

How to Become a WordPress Developer in 2024

Discover the essential WordPress Developer skills needed in 2024. Unveil the tools, resources, and insights to embark on a successful career in WordPress development

The internet has become an ever-evolving landscape, and WordPress stands tall as a dominant force. Powering over 43% of all websites globally, it’s a platform brimming with potential for both businesses and individuals. But have you ever considered the minds behind these websites? The skilled individuals creating exceptional user experiences and dynamic functionalities – the WordPress developers.

If you’re intrigued by the prospect of building websites, shaping online experiences, and seeking a path in a thriving industry, then becoming a WordPress developer might be the perfect match for your career. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and resources necessary to embark on this exciting journey in 2024.

Building Your WordPress Developer Skills

Before we delve into the specifics of WordPress development, it’s crucial to establish a solid foundation in web development fundamentals. These core skills will empower you to understand the language websites speak and manipulate them to your creative vision.

HTML CSS & JavaScript

Often referred to as the holy trinity of front-end development, these languages form the backbone of any website.

  • HTML: This is the structural language that defines the content and layout of a webpage.
  • CSS: Imagine HTML as the skeleton and CSS as the muscles, shaping the website’s visual appearance, including colors, fonts, and layouts.
  • JavaScript: This dynamic language adds interactivity and animation to your website, making it feel more engaging and user-friendly.
  • Pro Tip: Dive deep into responsive design, flexbox, and CSS grid layouts. Your ability to create pixel-perfect, mobile-friendly interfaces will set you apart.


As the heart of WordPress, PHP is a server-side scripting language responsible for generating web pages dynamically based on user interaction and database information.

  • Pro Tip: Explore object-oriented programming (OOP) in PHP. It’s like adding magic spells to your code.

Learning WordPress Themes & Plugins

While WordPress developer skills are essential, a successful journey requires a deeper understanding of the platform itself. Here are some key aspects to familiarize yourself with:

  • The WordPress Interface: This intuitive interface allows you to manage your website’s content, settings, and plugins effortlessly, even without extensive coding experience.
  • Themes and Plugins: Themes act as the visual layer of your website, determining its overall look and feel, while plugins add specific functionalities and features. Understanding how to work with themes and plugins is crucial for building robust and dynamic websites.
  • The WordPress Community: This vibrant community of developers, designers, and enthusiasts is a valuable resource for learning, troubleshooting, and staying updated on the latest trends and developments.

Specialization and Beyond

The area of WordPress development offers diverse opportunities for specialization. Here are a few popular paths you can explore:

1. Theme Development

If you have a passion for design and user experience, specializing in theme development allows you to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces for websites.

Pro Tip: Familiarize yourself with popular theme frameworks like Underscores and Genesis.

2. Plugin Development

Do you have a passion for problem-solving and enjoy extending website functionalities? Plugin development lets you create custom plugins that address specific needs and enhance website capabilities.

Pro Tip: Learning PHP is essential. After complete your plugin creation, you can publish them in WordPress repository

3. Full-Stack Development

This path encompasses both front-end and back-end development, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the entire web development process.

Pro Tip: Start studying Front End Languages (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) as this will make your learning process more engaging and satisfying.

Essential Soft Skills

While technical skills are undeniably important, success as a WordPress developer relies on a blend of technical expertise and essential soft skills.


Your ability to identify, analyze, and solve problems efficiently is crucial when dealing with code or website functionalities. A methodical approach and a willingness to learn from mistakes are valuable assets in this regard.


Effective communication with clients, colleagues, and the wider community is essential for fostering collaboration and ensuring project success. Developing your communication skills, both written and verbal, will enable you to clearly articulate technical concepts and collaborate effectively.

Time Management

Juggling multiple tasks and meeting deadlines is key to navigating the fast-paced world of development. Developing strong time management skills will help you prioritize tasks, work efficiently, and deliver projects on time and within budget. There’re plenty of online tools and apps that can provide Project and Time Management resources, such as Trello, Tick Tick and Monday

Lifelong Learning

The technology landscape is constantly evolving, and a continuous learning mindset is vital to stay ahead of the curve. Explore online resources, attend workshops and conferences, and actively seek new challenges to keep your skills sharp and expand your knowledge base.

From Beginner to WordPress Developer

The journey to becoming a WordPress developer doesn’t have to be an isolated one. Here are some resources and steps to guide you:

1. Set Clear Goals

Define your career aspirations and tailor your learning path accordingly. Do you aim to be a freelance developer, work in an agency, or contribute to open-source projects? Having a clear vision will help you prioritize skills and choose the right resources.

2. Embrace Online Learning

Numerous online courses, tutorials, and video resources can equip you with the WordPress developer skills you need. Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and Codecademy offer various learning styles and content formats to suit your preferences.

3. Contribute to Open-Source Projects

Getting involved in open-source projects allows you to gain practical experience, collaborate with other developers, and build your portfolio. This can be an excellent way to learn from experienced professionals and showcase your skills to potential employers. You can support other developer around the world through GitHub, Stack Overflow and Quora

4. Network and Build Connections

Engage with the WordPress community, attend meetups and conferences, and connect with other developers online and offline. Building relationships within the community can lead to valuable learning opportunities, collaborations, and even potential job openings. For this specific topic, I highly recommend signing up with LinkedIn as this is considered the most popular social media for job recruiter and job seekers.

5. Build a Strong Portfolio

Showcase your skills and experience by creating a compelling portfolio website or online presence. Include both personal projects and client work, showcasing your ability to design, develop, and maintain functional and visually appealing websites. This online portfolio will be your first impression for potential employers, so invest time and effort in creating a professional and impactful presentation. In addition to this, create an account in Behance, which is a social media platform with over 24 million users, dedicated to showcase projects, where you can create your portfolio and display them.

Join our WordPress Community

We’ve only scratched the surface of what it takes to become a WordPress developer in 2024. Now, it’s your turn to share your thoughts and experiences. Have you recently transitioned into a career in WordPress development? Are there any specific challenges you’re facing? Leave a comment below and let’s continue the conversation. Together, we can inspire and empower aspiring WordPress developers to thrive in this ever-evolving industry.

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Diego D.
Diego D.

Experienced WordPress enthusiast specializing in development and support since 2019

Articles: 10

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